Nourished Mothers

Kayla Thorngate, RDN, IBCLC
Maternal Dietitian and Lactation Consultant

(970) 673-7103

Hi, I’m Kayla! I am the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) behind Nourished Mothers. I am proud to provide nutrition and lactation consultations both in-person and virtually across the state of Colorado. I also lead Baby-Led Feeding and other nutrition courses online.

I thoroughly believe that good health begins with how we are cared for in the womb, and good nutrition from the very beginning helps set a new life in the right direction.

As mothers, we give so much of ourselves to our children because we want the absolute best for them. And so, when challenges arise during pregnancy or postpartum, it can leave us feeling overwhelmed, run-down, and nutritionally depleted. Truthfully, we could all benefit from having additional support to adequately nourish ourselves and our children in today's modern world. We were not meant to do this alone!

Many of my clients approach me out of frustration from the lack of support and nutrition guidance they've received from their care team, and they are looking for answers they have not found through conventional approaches. Inspired by my own experiences, I desire to dive deeper into why women are experiencing certain health issues and treat them as a whole person. Through further education in integrative and functional medicine, I am able to guide my patients towards a better understanding of how their hormones, gut health, diet, stress, toxin exposure, and other lifestyle factors may be influencing their overall health.

My mission is to help women optimize their diet and feel their best when trying to conceive, throughout pregnancy and postpartum, and while breastfeeding, so that they may feel confident and empowered to raise a healthy family.

Do you have questions about how to reach your health goals or how I may be able to help you with your nutrition or breastfeeding concerns? Visit my website for more information or reach out directly if you're ready to get started!